Green Bee Farms

about us

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin

With new ideas and collaborations, we can help the world by creating farms that are run by farms. Changing the way we view agriculture, one step at a time.

Our goal is to help create a greener future where gas isn’t as important of an expenditure. Fertilizers created on the farm, by the farm.


We are devoted towards greener ideas that help farms run more synergistic with what is currently at there disposal.

study nature, love nature

Through mimicry there still is a lot to learn, from the way you move cattle, to the way you fertilize a plant. Mimicry is everywhere. 

You are what you eat, eats

We believe that by eating better food you are able to improve your energy. Diving a little deeper and you’ll see you’re also what you eat, eats. We’re focused on finding the best diets for our livestock.

United we stand, divided we fall

By sharing ideas, process’s and methodologies we are able to move quicker towards sustainability. . With Green Bee’s open sharing motto, we are able to improve farms, one step at a time. Together is how we can make a change.


Helping the world through agriculture

Creating better genetics for higher grass utilization, disease resistance, and profit per acre. Couple that with rotating cattle using holistic practices, you are able to restore grasslands and bring back biodiversity.

Through natural decompositions, we are able to make fertilizers from byproducts of what is already on the farm. From KNF, to ACT we have a large library of DIY fertilizers/biostimulatants to help supplement your farm.


By understanding soil samples, knowing proper plant rotations, and incorporating no/light-till, have grass that stays greener for longer. 

Every dollar is appreciated

Our best papers

a (spanish) 150 page PDF that goes into pasture rotations, breeding, feeds and more.

a 50+ page document with various recipes and tips for plant production

Insect declines lead to loss of essential, irreplaceable services to humanity. Action to save insect species is urgent, for both ecosystems and human survival